This is the anticlimax to the SAUNA Sports Festivities.
In the spirits of promoting international relations, Uganda’s All-Star Select teams in Canada and USA battle a foreign team in a one-off match with plenty at stake.
In Canada, this historic match coincides with Canada Day on July 1 as we show pride in Canada’s history, culture and achievements.
One of the most attractive and must-attend activities of the SAUNA Sports Festivities is the SAUNA Sports Forum and Awards Night.
A number of high-profile key note speakers share experiences and career opportunities with participants during the Forum before the stage is rolled out for an Awards session.
The festival is organized over three days. All participants are enticed to dress sporty in respect to the Sports Festival. It could be a club or national jersey.
Although football is the main sport, participants take part in the sport of their choice.
The pool includes: Football (Six aside), Athletics (100m, 200m, 400m and 800m), Mweso, Ludo, Chess, Ekigwo (wrestling), netball, Okwepena (dodging), Volleyball and Kids games.
The Festival climaxes with a music concert.
Summary of the programme guide:
SAUNA Sports Forum and Awards
Date: June 29, 2024
Venue: Hilton Hotel (Toronto)
SAUNA Sports Festival
Date: June 30, 2024
Venue: High Park
SAUNA Grand Soccer Finale
Date: July 1, 2024
Venue: Esther Shiner Stadium
Proposed date: June 30th 2024
Races: 5km, 10km and Fun Run for the ordinary runners.
Participants: All locals and Ugandans
Venue: Ontario
The obvious reasons of organizing a Run are offering different challenges to athletes and preserving a healthy lifestyle to the ordinary runner.
But the SAUNA Community Run is designed to offer much more.
Unlike any of the other Runs in Canada, the SAUNA Community Run builds around its iconic name and promotes healthy living.
The Run attracts runners to the host venues, who then explore the various tourist opportunities in the city. The Run is an annual event held alongside the Sports Festival.
Preventing the development of obesity among children and the youth is an international health priority.
The first years of life are essential for starting preventive approaches that can have an impact on lifestyle and on developing overweight or obesity.

In the case of kids, prevention strategies should concern parents, primary caregivers, schools, social networks, media, and the wider community.
All of these groups should promote a healthy lifestyle with an appropriate level of PA and diet—either by providing an example to follow or by providing/favoring a supportive environment.

SAUNA rolls out programs in communities that equip parents with the latest modules to combat physical inactivity as a remedy for obesity and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in children.
SAUNA organizes training programs for parents at community level.
The idea is to create a Fitness and Wellness ambassador in every home.